Sunday, September 14, 2008

Guys can do it too...

I mentioned in one of my previous blogs that I have faked orgasms before... It's far more difficult for men than for women, but it is possible... here's one of my fake orgasm stories...

I don't know about most guys, but I sometimes find myself having sex and thinking "I'm never gonna cum, am I?" It's those moments that either your penis is numb (because of marathon man sessions, going too fast & hard), you drank way too much, you can't feel much with a condom on, or your really preoccupied with something else

The first orgasm I faked was a few years ago... I was 18 at the time, sleeping with a sorority girl (21 or 22) like 3 weeks after getting into college... She gave me some of the best head I've had for like 20 minutes before we had sex... going from a really good blowjob, to condom sex isn't the way to go... believe me.... we were doggy stylin' it for about an hour and I was like "Fuck... I can't cum with this damn condom on..." she made it clear that I either wear the condom or don't have sex at all... So I'm there, pounding away, just trying to get some kind of feeling of friction that could usher in an orgasm, but no luck...

Eventually I was like, screw it, Girls can fake orgasms, why can guys? She already had 3 big ones (selfish girl), the third one I thought she was dying during... so I figured I held up my end of the bargain, so there'd be no hurt feelings if i faked one.... I did the moans and such, faked the throbbing typical of a orgasming penis, collapsed on the bed as if exhausted, cuddled and left...

If you're a guy and want to fake an orgasm, make sure you're wearing a condom, unless you have a sports bottle of warm, white, gooey liquid on hand... or if you have a stand-in orgasmer...

Me and that sorority girl hooked up again the next night with a far better ending for me, and a messier ending for her...

1 comment:

Polt said...

Been there myself dude. ALthough it wasn't a sorority girl, more like frat guys. :)

Done it a few times...what can you say. Sometimes, like you said, it just ain't working and you want to move onto other things, ya know? :)