Sunday, November 16, 2008

Haha... my mom's a stripper

ok... not really... but she was last night...

She and this Damian guy at work have been friends for a while... He had a hard-on for her for a while... My mom's in her 40s and he's like 22 or 23 or some shit... anyway... they work together and the only thing that's stopped them from hooking up the past 3 or 4 months is because he is engaged... last night was his bachelor party and instead of his friends getting an actual stripper they went and got my mom....

So my mom got home plastered at like 4 am last night wearing whore-heels and literally nothing else... so, from the party to the car, then from the car all the way up to the apartment she was walking around naked with just heels, a purse and a handful of clothes....

So at like 4 something, like 30 minutes after a friend of mine left my mom comes stumbling in, completely naked, and I have to help her to her bedroom.... which is kinda creepy, being that close to your mom when she's naked and drunk... but i got her to her bed, tossed her on it... she's been nursing a hangover all day so I haven't gotten any details... I dunno how far she went with Damian, knowing her like I do, him being engaged wouldn't stop her...

anyway... I thought it was funny... she'll probably blog about tomorrow sometime on her blog The Indescretional if you wanna check it out then... if not, i'll try to pry some details from her...

Turns out she didn't drive home... just got a ride from some guy...
***UPDATE 2***
By the way, we have no idea where her car is lol...

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