Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Search for the perfect halloween costume

I'm debating what I wanna go as for halloween... I got a couple invites to a few parties... just gotta figure out what I wanna go as... I want a mix of something funny and sexy, here's a few ideas I've been mulling over...

Caveman - Think about it... just me in a loin cloth... I could also make this funnier by going as the studlier version of Barney Rubble but then I'd need a Betty Rubble...

Flasher Version 1 - Simple... shoes and a trench coat... nothing else... flashing random people all night... could end up with me getting arrested if I'm not at the right party...

Flasher Version 2 - Same as V1 except I get a comical, over sized stuffed penis... like a plush penis that hangs down to my shins... and softball sized testicles.... less likely to get arrested, more likely to get laughs...

70's Porn Star - Tight jeans, cowboy boots, tight button up shirt, mitch hedberg sunglasses, and a kick ass 70's porn mustache.... might be enough to get my own sex scene with a lucky girl dressed as snow white (Snow White and the 7 Orgasms... thats the title of that film... hopefully at least one of those orgasms is mine...)

Adam - as in Adam and Eve... fig leaf... nothing else... might freeze more than my ass off though...

Olympic Swimmer - Shower cap... speedo... but then... speedos can be painful, I wore one to a pool party when I was 16, never again... If I wanted to go as someone who felt like their balls were being squeezed in someone's fist, I'd go as a married man.... mean joke, I apologize to all the married women who don't go out of their way to own their man's balls...

anyway... let me know which ya like the best.... one of my sisters is into cosplay (dressing up like anime/comic book characters and going to conventions) so she can make pretty much any costume with the right material... also if ya have any other good sexy/funny ideas for a guy's costume... let me know... I'll probably need 2 different costumes... or maybe a costume for each party...


Anonymous said...

i think 70s porn star. :)

Fannie said...

Uhmm yeah.. 70's porn cowboy sounds like your best option. It provides a bit more coverage than your other choices.