Monday, January 25, 2010

This is why I shouldn't bet at all...

As I mentioned on this blog I make stupid bets, and on the AFC & NFC championship games last night, I lost both... I officially hate football now thanks to the Jets & Vikings....

I made a bet with my friend Alexia on the Jets-Colts game... The colts won so I'm verbally contracted to come over whenever she wants (implying I have the time) and go down on her... And I didn't get halfway through the Vikings-Saints game until I got a text from her saying "U lost, come over n pay up!"

I came over... "paid up" and watched the last few minutes of the Vikings-Saints game (which I lost another bet to) and I left horny....

Luckily, Emily, a friend's mom sent me a text earlier saying "What r u doing tonight" and needless to say, I may have lost 2 bets but ended up having a good night anyway... but thats another story

Now, since the Viking's lost, I have to attend a Superbowl party completely naked... maybe I can talk my way out of it....

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